Festa: Public Crab Feed

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Festa: Public Crab Feed

Enjoy delicious, hot, steamed crabs from Blue Point Crab House along with Fried Chicken, Hot Dogs/Kraut, Corn-on-the- cob,Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Maccaroni Salad, Chips/pretzels, Iced Tea & Coffee, Draft Beer & Soda. Pick your crabs to sounds of D.J. Charley L. from 2:00 to 4:00PM. All for the price of $40.00/Person. Charley L. will have karaoke from 5:00 to 10:00PM following the crab feed. So make it an afternoon and evening of Food, Fun, and Song. Contact Westminster Moose Family Center at 410-857-5821 or 410-848-9725 for tickets and information.