Festa: Matt Davis Comedy Hypnosis Show

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Matt Davis Comedy Hypnosis Show

Discoteca: Westminster Moose Family Center 1381

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Data: 21.05.2016 18:30
Morada: 309 Buena Vista Dr, Westminster, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Matt Davis Comedy Hypnosis Show

Volunteer to be hypnotized and be the STAR of the show.
The evening wil start off with a Chicken Cordon Bleu dinner served from 6:30PM to 8:00PM; followed by Matt's show from 8:30PM to 9:15PM. Dance to the music of DJ Charley L. from 9:30PM to 11:30PM. Cost for the entire evening is $25.00 per person. Please contact the Werstminster Moose Family Center at 410-857-5821 or 410-848-9725 for tickets.