Festa: Turnt 14th March ft Super Dooper Party!!

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Turnt 14th March ft Super Dooper Party!!

Discoteca: Turnt

Vão comparecer: 164
Data: 14.03.2015 21:00
Morada: 189 Hunter Street, Newcastle, Australia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Turnt 14th March ft Super Dooper Party!!

So your raving out, sweat is hammering out of every pore, you truly are going Ham Sanga's and that vodka raspberry just isn't cooling you down anymore.... So you trek over to the corner of the room where we are handing out FREE Zooper Dooper ®'s!

WE also have $5 Vodka Zooper cups!

Convidado: Chris Boyle, Amie Welsh, Amber Martin, Hayley Johnston, Elly Worgan, Jacquie Mali, Belinda Stanton, Sam Fedder, Eve Maree, Jaimmie Isaac, Rose Emma Beverley, Loretta Spagetta, Renee Molloy, Chad Prescott, Deejay Mathmatics, Brittany Fugar, Jacob McIntyre, Brianna M May, Jake Mexon, Kate Edwards, Kayllian Stanley Dunk mais »