Festa: Kids Christmas Party

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Kids Christmas Party

Discoteca: The Pacific Fleet Club

Vão comparecer: 38
Data: 07.12.2014 13:00
Morada: 1587 Lyall Street, Victoria, Canada | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Kids Christmas Party

Santa Is Coming to the Pacific Fleet Club!
Open to ALL Jr Rank members! For those of you not paying Mess dues at the PFC are still welcome, it is $5/child.
Children ages 0-12
You must register.
Registration forms can be obtained from the VPMC, MS Derek Fedoryshyn via email [email protected]
Completed forms to be submitted here as well!
Registration ends at 4pm, 3 December.
A wrapped gift for your child should be dropped off to the Main office of the PFC NLT 3 December.

Snacks, Coffee/tea, bouncy castle & Crafts!

Information you need to send to MS Fedoryshyn for registration is as follows:
All attending Adults: Full Names, Service Number & Unit (if applicable), Relationship to child.
Children: Full Names, Age, Gender

Any questions can be directed to the PMC or VMPC

Convidado: Rita Perriard-Carriere, Marcy Brown, Tagan Laura, Tiffany Champagne, Jenny Kohinski, Jennifer Cain, Leslie Daigle, Holleigh Rogers, Julie MacDonald, Amanda Cox, Nadine Kelley, Lindsey Ensom, Corrina Osmond, Danielle Porter, Tammy Higgins, Shannon Quinney, Kristina Kay Bernal Judas, Nicole Zeravla, Shannon Buckle, Cara Johnson Davies, Christina Dragos mais »