Discoteca: The Fountain Cambridge


The Fountain Cambridge

12 Regent Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Telefone: 01223 366 540
Sobre a discoteca:
The Fountain is Cambridge’s most contemporary venue. The newly modernised bar has a unique style wit... Ler mais
Site: www.fountaincambridge.co.uk
Total de eventos: 9
Todos os participantes: 48
Todos os participantes masculinos: 22 (46%)
Todas as participantes femininas: 26 (54%)

Convidados anteriores da discoteca The Fountain Cambridge

Join our 2nd Birthday party on the roof

22.06.2017 The Fountain Cambridge
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento

Artworks by Andy Dakin launch party

30.04.2017 The Fountain Cambridge
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento

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