Festa: First Swing Knights Intermediate & Jammin' Swing Balboa Lesson of the Semester!

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First Swing Knights Intermediate & Jammin' Swing Balboa Lesson of the Semester!

Discoteca: Swing Knights

Vão comparecer: 33
Data: 21.01.2015 20:00
Morada: 11602 Lake Underhill Rd, Suite 126, Orlando, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: First Swing Knights Intermediate & Jammin' Swing Balboa Lesson of the Semester!

Hey everyone, and welcome back to Swing Knights. This year, we're shaking things up a bit and that include lessons two times a week now!

Lessons are taught by our very own international instructors/performers & multiple National Champion Joel Green and Lenka Green! No partners are necessary, and all levels of dancers are welcome and are sure to have fun. :)

PLEASE be aware that the intermediate/balboa lessons will now be held at Danz Force Extreme, off of Lake Underhill in the plaza directly west of the huge, red Harley-Davidson Building. The address is 11602 Lake Underhill Rd, Suite 126, Orlando, Florida 32825. This is the same venue we hold our Friday night dances in.

Swing Knights Intermediate: 8-9pm
Jammin' Swing Balboa: 9-10pm

Student Price: $5/class or $7/both
Non-Student Price: $10/class or $15/both

Our beginner lessons will continue to be on campus, but we are still securing a room for those so keep your ears open for their location!

For more information visit us at http://swingknights.org/ and feel free to comment or contact any of the officers by email or through Facebook!

Convidado: Ramon Clayton, Sami Gerwick, Umar Piracha, Patrick Foley, Melissa Reilly, Jason Gosch, Cindiasaurus Rex, Tiffany Hickman, Anthony Michael Adorno, Michael Stealy, Adam Lydon, Troy M. Tran, Will Lai, Nate Lust, Katrina Schoenfeldt, Dana Ryann, Will Gibson, Kyle Merritt, Mackenzie Miller, Lisa Hoagland, Jamie Lynn mais »
