Festa: VIVA LAS SUMO : The Sumo Vegas Spectacular!

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VIVA LAS SUMO : The Sumo Vegas Spectacular!

Discoteca: Sumo Middlesbrough

Vão comparecer: 25
Data: 04.03.2016 23:00
Morada: 2 Corporation Road, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: VIVA LAS SUMO : The Sumo Vegas Spectacular!

Prepare yourselves to party hard Vegas Style! Get loose on the finest cocktail juice, get rich at the Sumo Casino, get married by Elvis Presley! With a quick live set from the king of rock and roll himself. Totally glam, totally daft, totally rockin'... VIVA LAS SUMOS!

Loads more shiz to be announced. Everything you'd expect from a debachued Las Vegas shindig, but hopefully without too much of a hangover the next day..

Viva Las Sumo
Sumo, The Empire
11pm / 4th March 2014 / Totally 18+ Action Baby