Festa: Tennis Social Mixer

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Tennis Social Mixer

Discoteca: Skyline Country Club

Vão comparecer: 1
Data: 27.10.2017 16:30
Morada: 5200 East St Andrews Dr, Tucson, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Tennis Social Mixer


DATE: October 27th, 2017
TIME: 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Come join us at the courts for the Tennis Social Mixer. This will be a fun event for all levels, and an opportunity to meet other players in the club.

We will be playing doubles and mix doubles. After the event, we will go up to the restaurant for Happy Hour. Sign up with or without a partner by Thursday, October 26th.

Please email [email protected] or call (520) 299-4977 if you are planning on coming to the Happy Hour so I can reserve tables accordingly.
Ali Colak