The year 2000, the new millennium took place, saw also the birth of the
Nordstern. Intended as an ar...
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The year 2000, the new millennium took place, saw also the birth of the
Nordstern. Intended as an artist’s workshop and presentation-room for
people engaged in the cultural sector of Basel, Nordstern is today a
melting pot for culture, art and music, a place where ideas get reality and
where visions find their acoustic and visual fulfillment.
Located in the old “Unterwerk” of Basels Power Plant, Nordstern has
profiled itself over the last ten years as an open and broad-minded
culture-institution in Basel, an institution, that animates, that touches
and moves – culture without any blinder and with it’s finger on the
pulse of time.
Without destroying Nordstern’s industrial flair, the location has been
completely redesigned in September 2010. The location now presents itself
as an interactive meeting place for creatives from different sectors and as
a visionary living room for people with a sense for quality and on the
search for something extraordinary.
Clubbing ist für Kurzentschlossene. Das wissen auch wir und daher gehen bei uns nie mehr als 50% der Eintritte in den Vorverkauf. Möchtest Du uns also spontan einen Besuch abstatten kannst Du stets davon ausgehen, dass die Hälfte unserer Eintritte in jedem Fall an der Abendkasse erhältlich sind und dass kein Anlass bereits im Vorfeld ausverkauft ist.
Clubbing is spontaneous. We know that and this is the reason why we never give more than 50% of our entries to the presale. So if you want to visit our club spontaneously, you can be sure, that the other 50% entries are reserved for the box office - no party is sold out previously.