Festa: Moondarga Horse and Pony Club Official Dressage

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Moondarga Horse and Pony Club Official Dressage

Discoteca: Moondarga Horse & Pony Club

Vão comparecer: 7
Data: 13.05.2017 08:00
Morada: 43 Hammond Way, Kelso, Townsville, Australia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Moondarga Horse and Pony Club Official Dressage

Moondarga Horse and Pony Club
Official Dressage
DATE & TIME: SATURDAY 13th May 2017 8:30 START
VENUE: Moondarga Pony Club Grounds, Hammond Way Kelso
ENTRY: $20per rider
ENTRIES CLOSE: Monday 8th MAY 2017
All nominations MUST be through your CLUB SECRETARY on one form and accompanied by nomination fees by club cheque. CLUBS may pay nomination fees via direct deposit. Please email for details if you wish to do this.
NOMINATIONS TO: email: [email protected] or post to P.O Box 10160 , Rassmussen 4815.
Moondarga Pony Club is a Compulsory Hendra Vaccinated club. Therefore all horses attending the event will have to be Hendra vaccinated and have their current up to date certificate. Random Checks will be done on the day.
Riders must provide a Horse Health Declaration Form and Hendra Certificate on Arrival.
Class 1 Under 11 Test 1A Test 1B
Class 2 11 and under 13 Test 1B Test 2A
Class 3 13 and under 26 Preliminary Test 1B Test 1C
Class 4 13 and under 26 Novice Test 2A Test 2B
Class 5 13 and under 26 Elementaty Test 3A Test 3B
Performance cards will be required for classes 3 through to 5.
PCAQ Membership cards or membership receipts will be required.
Class 6 Beginners Under 10 Test Walk/trot A Test Walk/trot B
Class 7 Seniors choose where they ride but are judged within the group.
Riders may enter 2 horses on the day, 1 of which must be ridden HC. If in the same class the HC horse must compete after competitive horse, which should be clearly marked on nomination form. Performance cards are required for classes 3-5 and must be presented before you ride or you will be placed HC.
Ribbons to fifth place in each class- points to 10th place
Sashes to third place and Trophy to overall winner in each class. (Sashes only to Seniors)
Presentation must be in full uniform
CANTEEN: A canteen will be available for the duration of the day
DISCLAIMER: Neither the organising committee of the event, nor the PCAQ accepts and liability for the damage, injury or illness to horse, rider, spectators or any other persons or property
whatsoever. The organising committee reserves the right to combine, or split classes according to
numbers nominated and refuse entries.
RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: The organisers reserve the right: to cancel any class or event; to
combine classes if less than 3 competitors, or divide any class according to the numbers nominated
and the rules governing splitting of groups, to alter the advertised times; to transfer competitors
between sections of a class; to refuse any entry, with or without stating the reason.
PROTESTS: Should be lodged within 30mins of the results being posted or the incident and should
be accompanied by a $50 fee which is refundable only if the protest is upheld.
All riders will be expected to provide a helper for the day or
jobs will be allocated to rider.
CAMPING & STABLING: Campers most welcome: powered sites, hot showers. $15 night.
Day floats using electricity $5per day, and aircon $10 day.
Stalls available. Electric fences and Portable panels allowed
(Stall sizes only due to limited space)