Festa: Work for Killa Disko, Bristol's killa midweek session

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Work for Killa Disko, Bristol's killa midweek session

Discoteca: Killa Disko Bristol

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Data: 18.09.2013 22:30
Morada: , Bristol, United Kingdom | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Work for Killa Disko, Bristol's killa midweek session

We're looking for guestlisters & halls reps to join our team. The job can be undertaken in your spare time and involves offering your friends an exclusive guestlist where they can get cheaper entry to Killa Disko.

There are also some additional hourly paid work available for flyering and promotion if you’d like extra work and cash.

If your interested in applying fill out the application form on our website; www.killadisko.com/bristol/jobs