Festa: Force of Will Structure deck league!

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Force of Will Structure deck league!

Discoteca: Infinity Games

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Data: 01.01.2016 13:00
Morada: 22 Currie Street, Adelaide, Australia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Force of Will Structure deck league!

Registration Open!

Round 1 pairings will be posted on the 1st of January.

Free entry with any purchase of one of the new Force of Will Trial decks.

The league will be run over 6 weeks.
Players will be allocated pairings fortnightly (2 per fortnight)
Each week you are able to purchase a booster pack and add it to your deck (these cards and the initial starter are the only cards you will be permitted to use throughout the league)

top cut dependent on participants
promo's and packs up for grabs!