Festa: Infinite Jest November 30: Sam Kissajukian (Syd) & Xavier Michelides (Melb)

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Infinite Jest November 30: Sam Kissajukian (Syd) & Xavier Michelides (Melb)

Discoteca: InfiniteJest

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Data: 30.11.2015 19:00
Morada: The Flying Scotsman, 1/639 Beaufort Street, Perth, Australia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Infinite Jest November 30: Sam Kissajukian (Syd) & Xavier Michelides (Melb)

This week Jest is hosted by a Sydney-based dynamo, who in the last year toured the Perth & Edinburgh fringe festivals (performing over 60 shows in 30 days at Edinburgh!), Melbourne International Comedy Festival AND the Sydney Comedy Festival with his true-life storytelling hour "Animals Attack Me". Known not only for being a hilarious standup, but also one of the most fun and engaging storytellers you can find, and with a POWERFUL moustache game, please welcome Sam Kissajukian!

Your headline (see him at The Last Stand for the full experience) started his comedy career right here in Perth, but for the last few years has been based in Melbourne crushing faces. He is legitimately one of our favourite performers in the country, ladies and gentlemen: Xavier Michelides! (Melb).

This week's experiment is return of the Punchline, with special guest Sean Conway (Syd)!

Also featuring:
Nick Maro
Bec Charlwood
Tor Snyder
Glenn Grimwood
Michael Aird
Jez Watts
Nick Hunter
Lucas Marshall
Mitchell Tinley
Hayden Stevens