Festa: Fringe World presents... "Cougar Morrison."

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Festa: Fringe World presents... "Cougar Morrison."

Devilles Pad, Fringe World and Strindberg Stages Presents

The Mascul-enne World of Cougar Morrison.


Cougar Morrison is one of the best chanteurs of today; referred to as the cheeky love child of Piaf and Bowie. After working in Paris and NYC, he tightened his corset, took off his pants and warbled his way into the hearts of fans around the world. Sexy, androgynous and a brilliant singer. Come for the Piaf, stay for the ass.


Friday 23 January 09:00 pm
Saturday 24 January 09:00 pm
Sunday 25 January 08:30 pm
Saturday 31 January 09:00 pm
Friday 6 February 06:00 pm
Saturday 7 February 06:00 pm

Duration 50 mins

Convidado: Melissa Clements, Darren Carter, Ofa Fotu, Sherry-Anne Cunniffe, Nat Ragus, Ryan Davies, Hailey Oates, Adam Peter Scott, Christopher Dragon, Philip Cameron Everall, Petra Sara, Nick Maclaine, Peta Rule, Samuel Parry, Olga Ward, Lee Jackson, Gary Sawyer, Katie Hewson, Helen Kerr, Jake Carson, Suzanne Zemira mais »
