Festa: April 2nd Table Show

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April 2nd Table Show

Discoteca: Cavy Council of Victoria (Guinea Pig Club)

Vão comparecer: 11
Data: 02.04.2017 10:00
Morada: , Melbourne, Australia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: April 2nd Table Show

DOORS OPEN 10.00am with judging of the BREED CLASSES. Come at this time to see lots of beautiful purebred show cavies being judged throughout the morning. Breeds include: Marked. Satin, Self, Crested, Ticked, Coarsecoat, Longhaired. PET SHOW - The judging for the PET CLASSES will start at 1pm. RIBBONS are awarded from first to seventh place. APRIL NOVELTY CLASS:– Easter fancy Dress.