Festa: Portalooth & The Musketeers ▍The Palmiros ▍The Carvelles ▍Shangri-La Sunset

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Portalooth & The Musketeers   ▍The Palmiros   ▍The Carvelles   ▍Shangri-La Sunset

Discoteca: Cabaret Voltaire

Vão comparecer: 2
Data: 09.05.2015 18:45
Morada: 36 Blair Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Portalooth & The Musketeers ▍The Palmiros ▍The Carvelles ▍Shangri-La Sunset

▶ What's the noise?

▶ Portalooth & The Musketeers

▶ The Palmiros

▶ The Carvelles

▶ Shanri-La Sunset

£6 advanced / £7
Doors 6.45pm till 10pm
Age - 14 - shows ID required
Tickets available via http://whatsthenoise.co.uk