Festa: 17th Annual Charity Golf Outing for Riley Children's Foundation!

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17th Annual Charity Golf Outing for Riley Children's Foundation!

Discoteca: Brad's Brass Flamingo

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Data: 17.09.2016 07:30
Morada: 4011 Southeastern Ave, Indianapolis, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: 17th Annual Charity Golf Outing for Riley Children's Foundation!

4 man scramble, $360/team. Indy's Hottest Entertainers serving up beverages along the course, prizes, many giveaways, and 2 closest to pin & 2 longest drive contests! Complimentary buffet with prizes awarded at Brad's Brass Flamingo following the event. (Entry donation must be paid up front).

Own or manage a business? Become a hole sponsor for our charity event! $150/hole. Stop in to sign up for the event and/or become a hole sponsor with all proceeds to benefit Riley Children's Foundation