Festa: Lucy Stoole's Jack'd-O-Lantern

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Lucy Stoole's Jack'd-O-Lantern

Discoteca: Berlin Nightclub - Chicago

Vão comparecer: 2
Data: 31.10.2016 21:00
Morada: 954 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Lucy Stoole's Jack'd-O-Lantern

Mon. 10-31-16:

Lucy Stoole's Jack'd-O-Lantern Dance Party!

DJs Greg Haus & Ldy Prblms until 4am, including a special bonus after 2am mini-set by the spooktacular Ariel Zetina!

Performances by Gigi DeLuxe, Ray Gunn, & Nico (Dustin Coleman)

with Halloween Gogo-Queens Eks Pii, Petty Crocker, Kurri Stoole, Zach, Sean des Garçon, Ariel Zetina, & more beginning at 10:00pm!!!
Doors open at 9pm. 21+ with ID required.