Festa: Major Seafood Raffle

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Major Seafood Raffle

Discoteca: Armidale Servies Club

Vão comparecer: 9
Data: 22.12.2014 18:30
Morada: 137 Dumaresq St, Armidale, Australia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Major Seafood Raffle

Tickets on sale through Reception ALL DAY! Over $2,500 in seafood vouchers from Drews Seafood to be won.

Convidado: Gem Gallen, Natalie Edge, Cathleen Hislop, Kira Thompson, Aaron Schmitzer, Affrazia Lilly, Peter Graham King, Sharon Gallen, Andrew Grieve, Vicki Frizell, Elliott Maddison