Festa: Poolside Fridays: Celebrity Chef Brick Oven Pizzas

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Poolside Fridays: Celebrity Chef Brick Oven Pizzas

Discoteca: Winchester Country Club

Vão comparecer: 3
Data: 19.06.2015 17:00
Morada: 1300 Senseny Rd, Winchester, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Poolside Fridays: Celebrity Chef Brick Oven Pizzas

Fridays from 5:00-8:00pm, enjoy brick oven pizzas and sangria at the pool bar!

This Friday: Celebrity Chef Night! Chef Dan Kalber of Village Bistro will make specialty pizzas: Bratwurst & Apple, PB & J, and Homemade Mozzarella.

Facebook fans, this is a WCC member event. Thank you!