Festa: VOCA Year End Social!

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VOCA Year End Social!

Discoteca: VOCA (Victoria Off Campus Association)

Vão comparecer: 28
Data: 07.04.2016 13:00
Morada: Goldring Student Centre, 150 Charles Street West, Toronto, Canada | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: VOCA Year End Social!

VOCA's had a great year this year; let's celebrate the end of the year and the great commuter life by having a year-end party!!

With free food for days, and fun to last us until the end of our undergrads, let's have a great time ending the year!!

NOTE: The Commuter Lounge is in the second basement of the Goldring Student Centre -- when you head down the stairs to get to Ned's, turn right and go down the other set of stairs!!