Festa: H & Brunch Sunday's

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H & Brunch Sunday's

Discoteca: Touché Supper Club

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Data: 15.08.2015 11:00
Morada: 1123 H St NE, Washington, District of Columbia, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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No mesmo dia em Washington

MENAGERIE 21:00 @ Kremwerk

Festa: H & Brunch Sunday's

$30 All You Can Eat Buffet Style Brunch

Featuring Bottomless Mimosa's and Bellini's and Many Delicious Brunch Items Including:

Omelet Station * Scrambled Eggs * Waffle Station * Chicken * Pork Bacon * Pork and Turkey Sausage * Shrimp * Roast Beef * Home Fried Potatoes * Cheese Grits * Rice & Gravy * Seasonal Fruit * Salmon Croquettes * AND MUCH MORE

PLACE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY @[NjQyMTgzOTU5MjA4MTA3Omh0dHBcYS8vd3d3LnRvdWNoZWRjLmNvbS86Og==:www.touchedc.com] or