Festa: The Pint: FIFA 17 Tournament 2.0

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The Pint: FIFA 17 Tournament 2.0

Discoteca: The Pint Whyte Ave

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Data: 26.03.2017 13:00
Morada: 8032 104st, Edmonton, Canada | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: The Pint: FIFA 17 Tournament 2.0

Join us at The Pint off Whyte for our FIFA 17 TOURNAMENT 2.0

Online Registration Is Recommended

- $150 Grand Prize
- Prizes 2nd & 3rd
- Pre Paid Drink
- $4 Liqour ALL Day
- 18+ ONLY (AGLC)
- $5 Entry
- Registration ends at 12.30pm
- Tournament Starts at 1.00pm - Late Entries May Be Disqualifed At The Discretion Of The Tournament Director