Festa: Steelpreacher, Elmsfire, Elvenpath

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Steelpreacher, Elmsfire, Elvenpath

Discoteca: Spektakulum Düsseldorf

Vão comparecer: 43
Data: 10.12.2016 20:00
Morada: Hospitalstr. 45, Düsseldorf, Germany | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Steelpreacher, Elmsfire, Elvenpath

Steelpreacher was founded in 2001 by guitarist/vocalist Preacher after splitting-up his old band 'Claymore'. He wanted to play raw old-school heavy metal in the vein of Motörhead, WASP, Saxon, AC/DC and ACCEPT. No keyboards, no commercial attitude! Just spikes, leather, beer and HEAVY METAL… and BEER!
What had started as an idea for a solo-project soon became an actual band when former 'Claymore' bassist MU, and a few weeks later, drummer Hendrik Beerkiller (ex- 'Thorns of Sephiroth') joined rhythmic forces with Preacher's old-school riff mastery. Song writing began immediately. Preacher, MU, and Hendrik forged a great old-school metal sound like they were destined to be together since the birth of time itself. After only 9 months as an actual band, the recording of their first album 'Route 666' began in a filthy rock and roll rehearsal-room.
Even though its sound is not 'big-budget and shiny' , the album made a huge impact in the underground scene with its honest and inspired take on great old-school metal. After the recording of 'Route 666' it dawned on the band that despite originally writing and recording with expectations of having a 2nd guitarist join the band, the three-piece line-up felt perfect, and they further developed their unique yet familiar sound as a trio. While the songs generally became much more raw and edgy, some strong 'hard rock' and 'epic' influences could now be heard in the mix.

Gegründet im Jahre 1999 in Düsseldorf bestieg die Band Elmsfire 2002 zum ersten Mal die Bühne.
Mit ihrer gitarrenlastigen Mischung aus Thrash, Power und Heavy Metal kombiniert mit einem breiten Repertoire an melodischen Riffs und vervollkommnet durch Texte aus Mystik und Literatur prägten Elmsfire ihren
ganz eigenen Stil. Viele Konzerte im In- und Ausland, einige Line-Up Wechsel, zwei Demos und eine EP bildeten die Schritte auf dem Weg, der schliesslich 2010 zum Release des
ersten Albums mit dem Titel "Thieves Of The Sun" führte, dem Ross Thompson seine Stimme lieh.
Aufgenommen wurde es im Spacelab Studio in Oedt unter der Leitung von Christian "Moschus" Moos und gemastert in der "Mastering Ranch" von Grobschnitts
Schlagzeuger Eroc. Wieder vollständig mit dem neuen Sänger Lukas und
Drummer Paul ist die Band zusammen mit Doro und Germano an den Gitarren und dem neuen Album im Gepäck erneut bereit ihr Können auf der Bühne unter Beweis zu stellen.

Elvenpath stepped into the picture in early 2002, hailing from Frankfurt (Central Germany) with the intention of stretching an overcrowded Metal scene yet a little more. Contrary to the main part of that scene they’d bring something different: heart, soul, passion and damn good songs.
Despite everything in their way Elvenpath has persevered since then, releasing four CD’s, playing almost 100 shows, among others sharing the stage with bands like Sabaton, Custard, Majesty, Wizard, Cage and Grailknights, touring Europe twice as support to Skyclad, playing festivals like Dong Open Air (Germany), Metallergrillen (Germany), Taunus Metal Festival (Germany), Up The Hammers (Greece), Rising Fest (France) and gaining themselves a name especially with their very powerful and energetic live show.
Elvenpath bears Metal in their hearts which you can easily hear in every single note of their music. If you favour trends, triviality or undemanding music, this isn’t your place. But if you’re into high quality Power Metal you’ll fall for this band quickly – both on cd and live.

Einlass: 20 Uhr
10,00 (AK) (nur AK)
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