Festa: Lil Debbie

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Festa: Lil Debbie

Double Tee Concerts Presents

The White Clouds Tour
Lil Debbie
w/ Caskey
Peter's Room (Roseland)

Born Jordan Capozzi in Oakland, California, Lil Debbie was raised in the Bay Area in a home filled with culture and music. "I come from an Italian background so there was always music playing, delicious food cooking and lots of family around. I also come from a family of very creative people....my Mom was a fashion designer, my grandparents were tailors, dress designers and shoe makers and my Dad was a musician."

While the breakup of White Girl Mob should have been a devastating blow it only made her resolve to succeed on her own but it took her good friend, RiFF RaFF seeing her potential to get her into the recording booth. "He bullied me into it actually....I thought I'd go a whole different lane but he was relentless and finally I just did it to make him happy. But that song, BRAIN FREEZE, opened me up to a whole new world and what I was really meant to do. So, you could say it was really because of RiFF RaFF that I'm where I am today. And when that song went over a million views, I was so happy!" she says.

Since then she's put out an impressive collection of music with video's reaching over a million views each and rising. She's worked and performed with a bevy of the most unique and interesting artists as well as with producers from Benny Cassette to NikNikateen. This year she is scheduled to release her first full-length album, "California Sweetheart".

Convidado: Kyle Wade, Neil M. Thurston, Jen Wirtala, Jeremiah Jumel, Désirée K. Segura, Beth Hogan, Alexis Roth, Hannah Eather, Tee-j Valdez, Heather Hill, Faith Branson, Mez Matos, Rose Dement, Dan Richards, Melisa Johnson, Jennifer Lane, Ami Nicole, Saràu Morrison, Ashley Seaton, Delaney Meredith, Kara Jenne mais »
