Festa: Ronimisministeerium does Åland / Ahvenanmaa
Início > Ronimisministeerium > Ronimisministeerium does Åland / Ahvenanmaa
Vão comparecer: 1
Data: 09.06.2016 18:00
Morada: Tartu mnt 80 E, Tallinn, Estonia | Mostrar no mapa »
Avisamos-te assim que estiverem disponíveis as fotos da festa.
What could be more fun than a weekend at Åland (known as Ahvenanmaa in the Fenno-Ugric language family)? We thought that a long climbing weekend at Åland would be it!
Our voyage to where no Estonian climber has been before will begin on Thursday evening at 18:00 and after good night's sleep we will disembark at Marienhamn port conveniently at 5:00 on Friday morning. The next 72 hours we will climb, laugh, bathe, cook, eat, paddle/row & sleep and past midnight on Sunday (technically speaking Monday) we will drag our wornout bodies back on board only to find ourselves where we started at 10:00 on Monday morning.
Still not convinced? Maybe the following video will help: https://vimeo.com/133449408 or the fact that there is some real cliffs as well: https://27crags.com/crags/skolberget
Ronimisministeerium has been able to book one four person cabin in Soltuna (two places left). All the other cabins were already taken. Additionally at Soltuna there is a possibility for 10 persons (not 10 tents) to stay in tents but those should be prebooked as well. phonenumber to Soltuna is +358 18 49530 and their homepage is http://soltuna.ax/en/accommodation (cabin booked under the name Mikael Orkomies). There is of course plenty of other lodging at Ahvenanmaa but Soltuna is where the best climbing is at.
Below are some figures on the expected costs to help you orientate:
- a return ticket for a car with 4 passengers (includes cabin at the ferry): 65-75 €/person
- Cabin: 15 €/person/night - 2 spaces left
- Tenting: 7 €/person - 10 places left
- Food and misc expenses depending on how you roll: X €
- Experience and good company: priceless