Festa: Klub Luxxx Invites Gilloso

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Klub Luxxx Invites Gilloso

Discoteca: KLuB LuXXX

Vão comparecer: 3
Data: 24.09.2016 22:00
Morada: Marktstraat 22, Maldegem, Belgium | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Klub Luxxx Invites Gilloso

It's always a party with the beats by our résident Gilloso!
Join him for a great night!

★ Music ★
♫ - Gilloso

♛ Special Effect's ♛
✗ Co2 Blaster
✗ Confetti
✗ Laser Show

♛ - General Information - ♛

- Marktstraat 22, 9990 Maldegem

♛ - Global Information - ♛

★ Doors ★
✗ 22:00

❖ Table Reservations ❖
✗ Lynn Govaert: ✆ 0472/43.82.01
✗ Gregory Vandenbossche: ✆ 0493/70.30.40

One Love One KLuB KLuB LuXXX!