Festa: Killer Kitsch Post Xmas Special

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Killer Kitsch Post Xmas Special

Discoteca: Killer Kitsch

Vão comparecer: 17
Data: 27.12.2016 23:00
Morada: 142 Bath Lane , Glasgow, United Kingdom | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Killer Kitsch Post Xmas Special

And so we reach the final Killer Kitsch of the year, to close out 2016 we'll be pulling together all the biggest, best, new and old tracks we've played out over the past 12 months. From 'rediscovering' tracks like Eric Prydz - Pjanoo or finally falling in love with Gat Decor - Passion, to more 'modern', recent 'classics like Kiwi - Orca.

Advance Tickets via Eventbrite, slightly cheaper than OTD and includes Q Skip. > https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/killer-kitsch-post-xmas-special-tickets-30544509450

£3/£5 OTD.
Limited Free Passes from PR's.
Secret free entry ticket link will be posted in this event sometime on Tuesday.