Festa: Jokes Please! - We Know the Future Edition

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Festa: Jokes Please! - We Know the Future Edition

Look, I don’t want to get into how this happened, but the Jokes Please! boys can now ACCURATELY PREDICT THE FUTURE INCLUDING YOURS! In fact, ‘predict’ is probably the wrong word, that makes it sound like we’re guessing, which could not be further from the truth.

The future is already determined, and we know what it is. The good news is that men wearing hats (without looking like dillholes) comes back into fashion but BOOT CUT JEANS NEVER DO! Oh, also there are great things right around the corner for you! (But it’s pretty much downhill from there. Sorry, but you asked.)

The future will feature the following comedians:

Johnny Paul
Calwyn Shurgold
Julie Kim
Graham Clark
Gavin Matts

Doors are at 8:30
Show is at 9
Door is $5
Drinks are $4