Festa: Thank You Volunteer Party

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Thank You Volunteer Party

Discoteca: Indianola Elks Lodge #2814

Vão comparecer: 3
Data: 14.11.2015 18:00
Morada: 110 West Ashland, Indianola, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Thank You Volunteer Party

The Indianola Iowa Elks Lodge #2814 would like to invite you to the Thrift Store Night, Volunteer Party.
To say thank you for all your hard work, all members are invited to attend.
The nights theme is Thrift Store Night and the rules are $10 budget and must be gender appropriate. Each person picks out their significant other (or BFFs) surprise outfit at your favorite Thrift store.
Wear your surprise outfit and enjoy the PERKS of the evening!!!
Saturday November 14th starting at 6pm. There will be prizes for Best couple outfits and best individual outfit.
There will be snacks and drink specials available!!
Come enjoy the evening with us!!!!