Festa: Ladies Night :: 11/12/2015 :: Hallywood

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Ladies Night :: 11/12/2015 :: Hallywood

Discoteca: Hallywood

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Data: 11.12.2015 22:00
Morada: Leide 4, Halle, Belgium | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festeiros - Mulheres

Festeiros - Homens

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Festa: Ladies Night :: 11/12/2015 :: Hallywood


Ladies, time to bring out your dancing shoes! This is your night!
Free glass of cava for every lady before 01:00h!

✘ Music by : Dj Olivier
✘ Doors open : 22:00h
✘ Entry: Free

✘ Place to be:
Hallywood Halle
Leide 4 - 1500 Halle