Festa: Strange People and Thesis present: Kike Mayor, Jessie (birthday set), Emre, Perry in the Bad Room

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Strange People and Thesis present: Kike Mayor, Jessie (birthday set), Emre, Perry in the Bad Room

Discoteca: Good Room

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Data: 18.12.2015 22:00
Morada: 98 Meserole Ave, Brooklyn, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Strange People and Thesis present: Kike Mayor, Jessie (birthday set), Emre, Perry in the Bad Room

It’s the holiday season! Actually we have a much more interesting reason to celebrate: it’s Jessie Sunset’s birthday week, and we definitely cannot think of anyone else whose December birthday is more important for us!

To mark the occasion we are throwing a special fête in one of our favorite spots in Brooklyn - Good Room. We will be taking over the intimate Bad Room, and have conscripted the talented Kike Mayor, with support from Strange People’s Perry and Thesis’ Emre Ersolmaz. We will round out the night, of course, with a special appearance by birthday girl Jessie Sunset herself.

Tickets are on sale on RA, and they include admission to the main room where none other than enigmatic techno legend Regis will be paying alongside Veronica Vasicka and Alex from Queens.

[Saint & Don't. Tzinah Rec]

[Thesis New York]

[Strange People]

In the Bad Room

Tix - $10 first release / $15 second release / $20 at the door

Doors 10pm / +21 gig