Festa: Big Jigsaw Inclusive Dance Summer School (16+)

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Big Jigsaw Inclusive Dance Summer School (16+)

Discoteca: Dancefest

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Data: 01.08.2017 10:00
Morada: The Angel Centre, Angel Place, Worcester, United Kingdom | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festeiros - Mulheres

Festeiros - Homens

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Festa: Big Jigsaw Inclusive Dance Summer School (16+)

Tuesday 1 & Wednesday 2 August, 10am-3pm
The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR

Using Dancefest’s specially made dance yurt, this is an inclusive sensory and movement based experience suitable for people with learning disabilities, their friends and support workers.

Using themes of beating hearts, butterflies and boats, it is a chance to be creative and meet new people.

The yurt will be set up on the grassed area by the café bar, with a wet weather alternative of inside the Courtyard in the area beside the box office.

Please bring a packed lunch - or you may like to buy your lunch at the Courtyard’s cafe bar.

£25 for both days/£15 for one day
No charge for those supporting people to take part

You can book at http://www.dancefest.co.uk/projects/big-jigsaw/big-jigsaw-inclusive-dance-summer-school