Festa: Funk Agenda Friday at Drop

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Funk Agenda Friday at Drop

Discoteca: Club Royalty

Vão comparecer: 2
Data: 14.04.2017 22:00
Morada: Waterfield Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, India | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Funk Agenda Friday at Drop

DJ CYRUS Mumbai brings the funk on Friday, 14th April at #DROP You are sure to hear some crazy tribal drumming and the best of popular tunes all night long. Doors open 10 p.m.
For more info call:+912242296000/09987666777
Entry: Strictly for couples only, on the Basis of Profile (appearance, dress code etc, will be decided by the person at the gate, even if it is a prior booking)
**Club Rules Apply
**Rights of Admissions Reserved
**Male stags not allowed