Festa: Dungaree (HU) & Red Swamp (HU) + Sequence live at Club Mladost - Subotica

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Dungaree (HU) & Red Swamp (HU) + Sequence live at Club Mladost - Subotica

Discoteca: Club MLADOST at Subotica

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Data: 09.12.2016 22:00
Morada: Harambašićeva 4., Subotica, Serbia | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Dungaree (HU) & Red Swamp (HU) + Sequence live at Club Mladost - Subotica

DUNGAREE + RED SWAMP 'Support The Habit Tour'.

Special guest: SEQUENCE Official

A két banda - helyszínenként kiegészülve a hazai rockszíntér jó pár nagy zenekarával - bejárja szinte egész Magyarországot, valamint Ausztriában, Szerbiában és Romániában is tiszteletüket teszik. Ha igazi derékból bólogatós bulira vágytok, ahol a stoner rock és metál a főszereplő, valamint a megismételhetetlen, átizzadt (de nem izzadtságszagú), zsigeri zúzás és hangulat, akkor mindenképpen csípjétek el a srácokat!

A stoner rockban utazó szegedi Dungaree zenekar két kislemez és számos koncert után elkészítette Bipolar World című albumát, amit egy országos turné kíséretében mutat be. A törekvés továbbra is az volt, hogy egy nyers erővel, riffekkel, grunge és blues életérzéssel töltött dalok tömkelegét alkossák meg, természetesen a zenekarra jellemző sajátos, csavaros módon. Olyan dalok szerepelnek a lemezen, amit maguk is hallgatnának élőben is, és bólogatnának rá a közönség soraiból. Semmi sallang, semmi felesleges töltelék, csak a szín tiszta erő.

Dungaree is a stoner / grunge band from Hungary, formed in early 2014. The band is composed of vocalist Gergely Laszlo, guitarist Zoltan Horvath, bassist Attila Balogh, and drummer Dominik Dencs.
The band released their first full length album 'Bipolar World' in August 2016.
They released their first EP, Climb Out Of The River in mid October 2014, which received a positive feedback from many Hungarian music sites and also from abroad.
After several concerts within Hungary and abroad, they moved back to studio in March 2015 to record their second Ep, Final Yell that they released in mid April.
They were in the best 10 bands in the Hungarian Wacken Metal Battle semi finals, they also won a special award in Romania at the Global Battle of Bands.

'Status Quo' music video: http://bit.ly/2b0W7Yi
'Bipolar World' album: http://bit.ly/Bipolar_world
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dungareeband
Web: http://dungareeband.com/


A budapesti stoner-sludge metal banda a tavalyi A38 Talentométer győztese. Igazi mocskos, húzós, súlyos groove-okkal és riffekkel teli zenét játszanak, változatos énekekkel megspékelve. Szeptember 21-én mutatták be első nagylemezüket 'Tiszassippi' címen, melyet egy 15 állomásos őszi/téli turné keretében népszerűsítenek.

'Bitter Paradise' music video: http://bit.ly/bitterparadise
'Tiszassippi' music video: http://bit.ly/tiszassippi_video
'Tiszassippi' full album: http://bit.ly/tiszassippi_album_youtube
'Bitter Paradise' @ Rockmaraton: http://bit.ly/redswamp_rockmaraton2016
FB: https://www.facebook.com/swamp.band.budapest/
Web: http://redswampband.com/

Hungarian stoner-sludge metal bandits Red Swamp might be familiar to anyone keeping a keen eye on the eastern european underground scene - the 5 guys from Budapest released a 3 song EP that made the rounds on a quite a few choice stoner-sludge-doom blogs and pages, with stellar reviews. The songs on the release also helped them to win first place in one of Hungary’s biggest musical talent competitions (out of about 500 applicants) cultivated by the well known venue A38 ship, called Talentometer. Not long after, they put out an epic new song, The Animal, and a banging new video for their flagship track Tiszassippi. They toured with fellow hard-hitters Omega Diatribe (extreme groove-metal) and Dungaree (stoner-grunge rock) in their home country and abroad, opening for and supporting well known local and international bands with great success, among them: Karma to Burn and Sons of Morpheus. They also had their fill of festival gigs, playing 7 day Hungarian rock-metal festival Rockmaraton to great acclaim and widely known EFOTT festival (situated beside a lake), where they literally stamped the whole place into mud.

As the result of their little-over-a-year existence, they released their first full length album “Tiszassippi” (coining the phrase from local Hungarian river Tisza and meshing it with the mighty Mississippi of course) on September 21st in Hungary, featuring 10 songs. The LP was mastered by none other than swedish maestro Jens Bogren from Fascination Studios, who probably doesn’t need to be introduced (but just in case: he worked on career defining albums with At the Gates, Soilwork and Arch Enemy, just to name a few). The album features the first EP’s three songs and the afore mentioned The Animal, which have been totally remastered, and 6 brand new tracks that represent the evolution the band went through in the following year and the direction and style the guys now call their own. Strong, heavy grooves and riffs occupy the record with memorable vocals to keep the listener on edge, it’s an album that’s sure to please fans old and new.

The 5-piece also released a new video to debut with the LP for their song “Bitter Paradise”, a fast, red-hot stoner metal song that’s sure to be a hit at parties and concerts. The video follows the guys as they travel from gig to gig, putting all their respectable efforts into belching their ten-ton-tunes onto the unsuspecting audience’s face.

It’s highly recommended to look out for them for the rest of the year, as they embark on their tour with fellow Hungarian stoner-grunge-rock band Dungaree, who have also recently released a full length record. They will be touring almost everywhere in Hungary, also crossing the border with stops in Austria, Serbia and Romania. If you’re looking for concerts where you can headbang from the waist up, where stoner rock and metal rule the day, where visceral, sweat-soaked, once in a lifetime brain-shredding is the main attraction, you’d do well to remember their name (Red Swamp) and go check them out at a venue near you.


A Sequence egy 2014-ben alakult modern metálos csapat. Még alakulásuk évében megjelent első klipük. Azóta kb. 50 koncertük volt 6 országban, és olyan nevekkel is zenéltek, mint a Subscribe, Watch My Dying, Road, Leander Rising, Cadaveres. Idén február 29-én megjelent első, 8 dalt tartalmazó lemezük Faith In Me címen, melyet az Universal Music Romania terjeszt digitálisan. Tavaly a GBOB nevű tehetségkutató romániai döntőjéből továbbjutottak az idei nemzetközi döntőbe, Berlinbe, mint Szerbia nevezettjei. E németországi koncert köré szerveztek egy 7 állomásos 6 országot érintő Európa turnét (Szlovákia, Csehország, Románia, Szerbia, Németország, Magyarország). Illetve Dobbantó Tehetségkutató Fesztiválon a metál kategóriában elsők, összesítettben pedig ötödikek lettek 2015-ben. A zenekar második klipje 2016 október 24-én jelent meg, és a Riverside dalhoz készült.

Sequence is a hardcore/modern metal band from Senta, Serbia. The band was formed in 2014 and they published their debut music video called ’Bloodshed’ in the fall of 2014. They had lots of shows in Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia since then. They released their first album on 29th of February 2016 which is digitally distributed by the well known label Univesal Music.
They had an Europe Tour in April and May of 2016 which contained 7 shows in 6 countries and in 3 capital cities including Berlin, Budapest and Belgrade. Their second music video was released ont he 24th of October for the song called ’Riverside’.

'Riverside' music video: https://goo.gl/2IzQAw
'Bloodshed' music video: https://goo.gl/zf3Fs3
FB page: www.facebook.com/bandsequence
Web: www.sequenceofficial.com

brought to you by Sutra Concerts & Booking