Festa: CTM 2018 - Persist
Início > Berghain / Panorama Bar (OFFICIAL) > CTM 2018 - Persist
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Data: 30.01.2018 21:00
Morada: Am Wriezener Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany | Mostrar no mapa »
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Berghain | CTM 2018 - Persist: AGF | Jessica Ekomane | Klein | Olaf Nicolai | Drew McDowall
30. Januar 2018 | Einlass & Beginn: 21:00 h / Doors & Start: 9 pm | Eintritt ab 18 Jahre! / x-rated | Bitte beachtet das Fotografieverbot / Please respect our no-photos policy | Abendkasse / Pay on the door 19 Euro
Die Musikaktivistin AGF präsentiert ein Protest-inspiriertes DJ-Set, zur Eröffnung dieser Nacht, gefolgt von einer Quadrophonie-Performance von Jessica Ekomane. Ekomane benutzt psychoakustische und polyrhythmische Strukturen, um zu erforschen, wie wir bei chaotischen und komplexen musikalischen Informationen nach Vertrautheit suchen. Die visionäre Pop-Autodidaktin Klein gibt post-digitaler Subjektivität eine klangliche Form: Die unruhigen, nahezu zappeligen Collagen der Britin bedienen stets mehrere Gefühlsebenen gleichzeitig und entwerfen ein klangliches Abbild einer durch ständige Ablenkung und dauernder Simultanität befeuerten Rastlosigkeit. Der schottische Musiker Drew McDowall wird heute Abend die Europapremiere seiner Soloversion des legendären Coil-Meisterwerks Time Machine geben. Und in Olaf Nicolais In The Woods There Is A Bird werden Geräusche von Demonstrationen, Aufständen und Kundgebungen, die ursprünglich für Nachrichtensendungen aufgezeichnet wurden, zusammengefasst.
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Poetess and musical activist AGF presents a protest-inspired hybrid DJ/live performance based on her new album Solidicity, to kick off a night that follows with a quadraphonic performance by Jessica Ekomane. Ekomane uses psychoacoustics and polyrhythmic structures to explore how we strive for meaning/seek familiarity when faced with chaotic or complex musical information, much like we do when faced with the intricacies of real life. Self-taught UK pop visionary Klein may represent what it means to be truly original in the post-digital era. Her fidgety collages attend to various emotional layers in parallel, thereby portraying our age’s turmoil of distraction and promise of simultaneity. Based on sound material submitted by radio correspondents from all over the world, Olaf Nicolai’s "In the Woods there is a Bird" melds sounds from demonstrations, riots, and rallies originally recorded for news broadcasts. Devoid of their usual radio commentary or written indices, the concrete audio objects become detached and undefined, allowing the artist to mix, reference, and re-reference them into an urgent sonic essay about power and powerlessness, authority and protest. The piece, which is complemented by a publication and is sometimes also performed in dialogue with an improvising live musician, was commissioned by documenta 14 and Deutschlandfunk Kultur as part of the radio programme titled, Every Time A Ear Di Soun. Contrasting the restless disquiet of Nicolai’s soundscapes, Scottish musician Drew McDowall will give the European premiere of his solo, "revisited" version of the legendary Coil masterpiece Time Machines, which still packs a punch today as a classic of late-20th-century drone and ritual music. McDowall has shaped the fates of several influential bands over a span of many decades – he was a member of Psychic TV in the 1980s and a long-term member of esoteric avant-industrial collective Coil starting in the late 80s and early 90s. He and fellow band member John Balance conceived of the Time Machines album as a tool through which its listeners might be able to escape the present and the self – in their words, "music cures you of time" – and eventually compared the power of its sound to psychotropic substances. The performance commemorates the album’s reissue on Dais Records this past fall, twenty years after it first went out into the world.