Festa: The R'n'Greek Project • SAT 24 OCT • Dj Lps & Dj Andy M • R&B vs GREEK

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Festa: The R'n'Greek Project • SAT 24 OCT • Dj Lps & Dj Andy M • R&B vs GREEK

The R'n'Greek Project - SATURDAY 24 OCTOBER

▌Music by DJ LPS & ANDY M ▌

▌R&B vs GREEK ▌

A music theme that will blow your mind...!!!
R&B vibes Vs Greek vibes.
It's not a battle, it's the art of mixing.
The old school RnB master dj vs our resident mainstream genius dj...

Can you handle it?

►Doors open @ 00:00 |
►For reservation call 24 650 550

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