Festa: Tanz in den Mai x The Feminists + Dirty Feetz

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Festa: Tanz in den Mai x The Feminists + Dirty Feetz

Winter is over! The Most Glamorous May-Party in Town.

Live! Rock // Punk // Rock'N'Roll // Trash // Garage
The Feminists + Dirty Feetz

Einlass 21 Uhr
Start: 22 Uhr
VVK: 8€ | ABK: 10€
Party danach 6€

Tickets ausdrucken: https://goo.gl/T1s5yd
Koka36: https://www.koka36.de/the-feminists-dirty-feetz_ticket_96486.html

The Feminists
Co­ming from the un­der­world via the gut­ters of Ber­lin, the Fe­mi­nists pro­vi­de fu­rious in­ter­stel­lar tur­bo-​boosts for shama­nic trips into the fur­thest re­aches of the un­known!!! Wit­ness, take part, and spread the word as the cult of the Fe­mi­nists spre­ads its ten­ta­cles of wild­ness across the Haupt­stadt, and bey­ond!!!!

Dirty Feetz:
International Intereuropean Intensive musical Formation! Crossover Genres, Times, Feelings, Coutries. Founded in 21.March 2015 in Proskauer 34, Berlin, a rainy cold day, a senceless searching for answers to the big questions of life, a broken teapott with the smell of overused black tea, frozen toes and dirty pants, a comeback from another part of the world, a lingering for dreams, a meeting between ravenous travelers, filled with some great musical dishes!

Aftershowparty mit DJ Megaohm (60s/70s/Psych/Soul)
Badehaus Berlin
Revaler Str. 99
10245 Berlin