Festa: DVORA DAVIS Ensemble vocal jazz
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Data: 08.07.2017 21:00
Morada: Rosenthaler Str. 13, Berlin, Germany | Mostrar no mapa »
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vocal jazz
Dvora Davis (voc), Lionel Haas (p), Charles Sammons (b), Kenny Martin (dr)
Dvora lebte in London, in den USA, in Amsterdam und jetzt in Berlin. Die zierliche Sängerin begeistert das Berliner Publikum mit ihrer kräftigen, ausdrucksstarken Stimme und Ihrer charmanten Bühnenpräsenz. Sie stellt uns hier eigene Stücke und Lyrik von Ihrer neuen CD mit Lionel Haas „Berlin Life“ vor.
This is such a wonderful show, it is always fully embraced by all the audiences who hear it...they simply love these songs....
"TIMELESS & BEAUTIFUL SONGS THEY NEVER DIE Dvora Davis performs theme songs from the James Bond Movies, songs made famous by Shirley Bassey and a sprinkling of jazz standards...She takes you on a very special journey.
Dvora Davis is an outstanding internationally established jazz artist, performing artist, composer and singer/songwriter, who has been charming audiences with her stunning voice and charasmatic presence, From Belarus to Russia, Spain to Germany, Uk to Holland..........
She has a unique warm and dynamic voice she takes hold of you everytime. It is a one of a kind voice that rings out loud and true, whatever she sings you believe. She is a storyteller. a strong songwriter and live performer.
First and foremost she works closely with her pianists...
Pianist - Lionel Haas is a well known outstanding and established International pianist, who has also produced and composed his own fine albums.......So together with the other musicians this will be a wonderful musical journey on this evening......