Festa: PALE HONEY && LUNARTREE - Astra Stube

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Festa: PALE HONEY && LUNARTREE - Astra Stube

PALE HONEY is a duo from Gothenburg, Sweden, consisting of childhood friends Tuva and Nelly. Just picture a guitar based band doing really cool songs and you’re pretty close to what's up. The sound is kicked back but still comes with a clear and intense vibe to it, so nonchalant and sincere at the same time it’s almost provoking how easy they blend coolness with heat and totally gets away with it. Their first release, the Fiction EP (Bolero Records), surfaced in May 2014 and from that point things have moved fast. They have made an impact on their native Sweden, toured in Europe for the first time and got themselves invited to play some pretty big sized festivals in Germany, Holland and Scotland. In November they impressed writers from Nordic By Nature (Berlin) and The Line of Best Fit (London) at the Sørveiv Festival in Kristiansand, Norway. As it adds up, 2015 seem very promising and early on singles from the upcoming album will be around, before the debut will hit the streets in the spring. PALE HONEY is the type you just know you wanna get more of.

Akustikpop mit viel Soul. Gesang, Piano, Cello. Die drei Hamburgerinnen in einmaliger Besetzung kreieren mit mehrstimmigem Gesang und sanften Cellolinien ihren ganz eigenen Sound. Die drei Frontsängerinnen könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein und dennoch ergänzen sich ihre Stimmen auf ganz besondere Art. Gänsehaut garantiert! Die vielseitigen Einflüsse der Musikerinnen spiegeln sich in ihrem eigenen Sound wider. Es entsteht eine gefühlvolle Mischung aus Soul, Pop, Jazz mit Singer/Songwriter Flair. Anfang letzten Jahres veröffentlichten die Drei ihre EP „Leave the Ground“.

Convidado: Mirjam Schwarze, Lea Sophie, Hannah Großkopf, Hendrik Schlimper, Lili Ka, Marie Brunnert, Luebbe Tiina, Alina Boe, Jasper Johann Graetsch, Sara Skarp, Matthias MProve, Tillo Lorbass, Sarah Ni, Sara Johansson, Mihai Tufă, Nelly Daltrey, Tara Jahan, Benno Dangmann, Monique Heinisch, Jessini Zissou, Ariane B.tovan mais »