Festa: Verily + The Night Shift + The Variant || 2.27

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Verily + The Night Shift + The Variant || 2.27

Discoteca: 40 Watt Club

Vão comparecer: 2
Data: 27.02.2015 20:00
Morada: 285 W Washington St, Athens, United States | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: Verily + The Night Shift + The Variant || 2.27

Doors: 8:00 pm / Show: 9:00 pm

This event is 18 and over

Convidado: Josh Seehorn, Brandon Bish, Aaronious Monk, Camille Law, Laura Victoria Ospina, Madii Rey, Bobby Mccullough, Becky Litvin Smith, Hagin Hayes, Nick Young, Ryan Glisson