Festa: PiNk Wednesday **LADiES-Nite

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PiNk Wednesday **LADiES-Nite

Discoteca: AGNI - Reloaded

Vão comparecer: 13
Data: 07.01.2015 21:00
Morada: Park hotel 15 Parliament street , New Delhi, India | Mostrar no mapa »

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Festa: PiNk Wednesday **LADiES-Nite

PiNk Wednesday **LADiES-Nite @AGNi-Reloaded by DJ.AQEEL.
-- Wednesday.. January'07.. 9.PM Onwards

**Ladies Get FREE Drinks.
**Couples Enter FREE via Our GuestList.

Come Enjoy The Night Together With The Finest People.

Tables and Reservations: +91 9643340000 or 9999030960

AGNi-Reloaded Team

NOTE: Receipt of an Event Invite does not constitute automatic Entry. This is a Tool for getting out the word for events that occur at the Venue. Normal Commonsense Club Rules Apply & Rights of Admission Reserved. AGNI - RELOADED encourages Couple Entry, and discourages Stag entry. Proof of Age is Required

Convidado: Shomita Angel Goswami, Sonya Khanna, Gautam S Kapoor, Anchit Kapil, Gaurav Malhotra, Ribbhu Mehra, Daniel Rajan, Vish Sharma, Gouri Sharma, Sarthak Gupta, Ishan Grover, Shiv Johar, Anuj Soni, Deepak Kapoor, Jitesh Gupta, Mayank Arora, Oren Sequeira, Nitin Bindra, Ankit Kapoor, Rohhina Dasgupta, Deepanshu Duggal mais »