Discoteca: The Reading Liederkranz


The Reading Liederkranz

143 Spook Ln, Reading, United States

Telefone: (610) 373-3982
Sobre a discoteca:
The Reading Liederkranz is dedicated to the promotion of authentic German culture and tradition. We... Ler mais
Site: www.readingliederkranz.com
Total de eventos: 48
Todos os participantes: 1914
Todos os participantes masculinos: 808 (42%)
Todas as participantes femininas: 1106 (58%)

Wurstfest 2015

12.06.2015 The Reading Liederkranz
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Maifest 2015

15.05.2015 The Reading Liederkranz
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Mother's Day Champagne Buffet

10.05.2015 The Reading Liederkranz
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento