Discoteca: Shannon Knights Bars


Shannon Knights Bars

Shannon Town Centre, Shannon, Ireland

Telefone: 061361045
Sobre a discoteca:
Shannon Knights Bars was established in 1972 and has been at the heart of the local community ever s... Ler mais
Site: http://www.shannonknights.ie
Total de eventos: 77
Todos os participantes: 542
Todos os participantes masculinos: 224 (41%)
Todas as participantes femininas: 318 (59%)

Sport 2016: Europa League Final at the Knights

18.05.2016 Shannon Knights Bars
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento

Sport 2016: Grand National at the Knights

09.04.2016 Shannon Knights Bars
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Sport 2016: Live Master Golf at the Knights

07.04.2016 Shannon Knights Bars
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Food Served All Day at the Knights

10.02.2016 Shannon Knights Bars
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Sport 2016: Super Bowl 50 at the Knights

07.02.2016 Shannon Knights Bars
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6 Nations: IRELAND v WALES at the Knights

07.02.2016 Shannon Knights Bars
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento