Discoteca: Chesterfield Theatres


Chesterfield Theatres

13 Holywell Street , Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Telefone: 01246 345 222
Sobre a discoteca:
Winding Wheel The building that is now the Winding Wheel was once a thriving cinema originally named... Ler mais
Site: http://www.chesterfieldtheatre
Total de eventos: 114
Todos os participantes: 108
Todos os participantes masculinos: 45 (42%)
Todas as participantes femininas: 63 (58%)

The Selfish Giant

27.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento

Iain Stirling - U Ok Hun? X

26.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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Crooked Spire Soul Club

26.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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Forbidden Nights

25.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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The Michael Jackson HIStory Show

19.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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Dementia Friendly Film: Summer Holiday (U)

16.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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Dementia Friendly Film: Summer Holiday

16.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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The Fureys

15.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella plus live Q&A (12A)

15.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
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Seriously Dead

13.05.2018 Chesterfield Theatres
Ainda ninguém compareceu no evento